Sunday, September 30, 2007

Resume Advice

The article caught my eye. I thought this article was interesting and very helpful. The first thing I learned was that in order for my resume to be found online it has to have specific keywords. I also learned that it can be very effective to use keywords that are in the job description. This will allow my resume to easily be found by a company, but it also demonstrates that I have skills that specifically relate to that job. Another important detail I learned from this article was that there are golden keywords that should be incorporated into my resume, but not to use too many keywords. Resues should be simple, but include all the necessary information.

I also thought that the article was very interesting. The main point that I got from this article, was that simplicity is the best way to go with resumes. As time goes on, my resume is going to need to be updated. When this occurs, I learned that not only do I have to add new information, but I also have to delete the outdated information. The effectiveness of my resume is all determined by the content included and how the information is formatted.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Job Interview Advice

The article that caught my eye was: I would never have thought that talking too much would be a big mistake. I always thought that it would be better to talk too much than too little. I thought that talking a lot would make it look like I was more outgoing rather than a shy or quiet person. From reading the article I have learned that less is more. I need to be prepared when I go to an interview so that my answers will be short but still demonstrate my skills and prove my point. I was surprised when I read that if you talk too much it shows that you could be a bad listener. At my next interview I am going to make sure that I focus more on listening rather than talking. I agreed with the article when it stated that some interviewees have an overinflated ego. I learned that I should only talk about my skills that apply to the specific job, rather than listing everything that I have ever accomplished. I also agreed with the article when it stated that an interviewee should avoid talking about money too soon. The article then went on to explain the time period in which a person has to respond to a job offer. I was surprised that some people thought that you could wait two weeks to respond. I always thought that a person would respond faster than that.

All in all, I thought this was a very interesting article. I learned that I should keep my talking to a minimum so that I can focus more on listening and getting my point across.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Web 2.0 - Rethink Everything

I think that Web 2.0 is a second type of web. It's the new improved and upgraded World Wide Web. I feel that this web system was designed for communication and social networking. I think that Web 2.0 can be very useful for people that are ready to enter the workforce. With this new technology it makes applying for jobs so much easier. An applicant can have direct and fast contact with a company. Applications can be posted online, and interviews can be conducted through the computer. Web 2.0 can also pose many problems for job searchers. Now that society is getting on board with the newest technology, some people are being left behind. Those that have never learned how to use even simple technology, are going to have a tough time competing for jobs against those that have more advanced skills. On the other hand, I feel that Web 2.0 will be a great asset for those that are already in the workforce. These new programs can help workers communicate more efficiently. I think that Web 2.0 does make us have to rethink some things. Now that information on the internet can easily be obtained we have to rethink what we allow to be posted. With things like information on Facebook now showing up on Google, we have to limit what we want others to be able to see. I feel that Web 2.0 might make information too accessible to the public, but at the same time it can be very useful in connecting the world through technology.