Sunday, September 23, 2007

Job Interview Advice

The article that caught my eye was: I would never have thought that talking too much would be a big mistake. I always thought that it would be better to talk too much than too little. I thought that talking a lot would make it look like I was more outgoing rather than a shy or quiet person. From reading the article I have learned that less is more. I need to be prepared when I go to an interview so that my answers will be short but still demonstrate my skills and prove my point. I was surprised when I read that if you talk too much it shows that you could be a bad listener. At my next interview I am going to make sure that I focus more on listening rather than talking. I agreed with the article when it stated that some interviewees have an overinflated ego. I learned that I should only talk about my skills that apply to the specific job, rather than listing everything that I have ever accomplished. I also agreed with the article when it stated that an interviewee should avoid talking about money too soon. The article then went on to explain the time period in which a person has to respond to a job offer. I was surprised that some people thought that you could wait two weeks to respond. I always thought that a person would respond faster than that.

All in all, I thought this was a very interesting article. I learned that I should keep my talking to a minimum so that I can focus more on listening and getting my point across.

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